Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 26, 26 October 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]

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It's All in Fun

A weak-lcx>kiixg man had applied to the foremati of & st£vedore for a joh Be w&i insistent, so fma&- Uie foremiui put hiai to wor& loadiiig; 300-pouiid auvils ia thfi hol<i *t m* AU went fjor a while but suddei{iy & was he»rd and s4>mebody eried for help. $Uuutijog io Uie gai\&plan,k tlie foremaa loofced QTer aiid saw Uie littie man he had hired } bet?biag ' up aaid do\\n ia ilie vcater. . H , the niatter s Sh<Mrty, caii*fc you asked Uie loeemkn. . ]~ 1 Sure," eaiue tflie repij'. "I ean swiiu aii rtghl t but if i'ou don v t me a rope 111 h&ve to drop tliis ajivii."—Stray Bits, } : " ♦ ♦ ♦ . -. - : f I am very about 0« . Theii whi' do jou iook so warrted?" . 'j, I aui uot certiūn that opiimkai fīed. '—Ix»ido3u INMSsdn* Show. V, i♦* > - " I s\dvertised tjiul (lie poox wo«14 x toe we2eoes,t ;I.U chuivlC aie miuis&er # *ftsr .\\vLn* U\e coijicvlior. 1 see ths»l ,th®ar haf« | co*ue, " -S«uigo <fammerci*L „ „ - ■ ] , -