Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 26, 26 October 1933 — ARCTIC COLD OVER EOUATOR [ARTICLE]

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San Franckca Examiner If you were loqking |or a colder piaee tiie Nortli Poie, you i eertaialy would not go to Uie equatoi u> fiixd 4t, would you? Contrary. to„fAQt. as tlie slaLemeiut; may seem to be, you did, thia very thing your quest would pnri in Hipap, pointment. Meceoroiogists have fomid that it ia actually coider at the e<iuator than it is at the North ' Pole! lor proof of i,his scientists journejfed tna tropies ai?.d from a position on the equa^ fc T / sfi®t up sounding balloons equipped with m£veor-! 4 oiogical instruments. At heights six or seven miles above the equator the instrumehts registered a temr-eiature thafc was 20 degrees lower that of a similiar altitude over the Arctic regi<^ts. At the North ;Pole—sea level, 30° below z%sq, 40° SGVen mile ' S al^itud^ below zero, Differencel At the equatoi'—sea level, 80% at seven '''' altitude, 90: ; >elQ.w zqj:q, 1*70%. — —- , •-«*,.. Kerosene-So|^fed. Menh«|,pi>a A brick, soaked in kerosejae I Jfora day or two» i will burn for a long time when hghted, and il one is taken on hunU#g, or tripg, a firo ean be .even witk wet.material.A, pieee of brick, t the size of your fist, shQuM>um. over an hour. •• : . 1 *f 4 ' ' __ Coal Bemg Mmed Witli Saw Pppular Mechanics , . t Coal is now being mined with a sav? togt@Kl.stiE. being broken looee with explosives. The d&ve3npment of the coal,saw to its present practieal state has improved both Uae quality and value of niinhig men ,saim. le has likewise working conditjyans and safety in

Fishhooks of Gold Foun4 'm Popular Mechanics " Fishhooks of gold, hardened by a secret pmcess, have beeu fecovered from river whieh they lost hundreds of years ago * t"heir I«dian owiiers m South America. f>lf" ihe fishhooka is valued at $4.23, based oa fche ainounl of goid ,wliieh it contains» ! ; —%-+-$ ■ „| Cotton and silk are combined in a spun yartl that riyals rayoiv. ... ' L An oil-proof rtibbēr, whieh is resistant to soivents, has been developed »rcanisss si*eat possibilities in h\dustrv. *' • 1 —-i-4_ —*_*-$ „ r Most- modern glass has the sarac ehemieal composition as g!ass that, was made in the Middle Ages. '