Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 26, 26 October 1933 — O DDS ANA ENDS [ARTICLE]

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! A minister recently lectured on the thexne v, Seven things they do In heU." WeU, after all the things a man is used to doing here on this old earth, to be restricted to doing only seven ceritainly would be hell,—Schofieid News. -f -f The world is full of good speakers but tliey ispoil their chances in the beginning by not knowr i«v. when U> make an ending, ♦ ♦ 4Some people still insist upon driving recklesslj' when tliey are perfectly aware that it ean lead ouly to one of two places eventually—the hospiial or tlie undertaker, I- ♦ ♦ ♦ i A caniera compan> piied up het e&mings ol $4,345,624 in its last yeiu*. These are the gentleuien who ask Uie rest of us u> look pleasant MM PieUHial vN.YJ. ♦ ♦ ♦ Sflects oX Uie NRA have been so far-reaching that a traiup at. Ashland vNeb.) is held for steal;ing an alanu eloek. ♦♦♦ . v The old-Uruer was lueky. He didnt have tc quit his habits to keep from setting a bad example for his daughters. — Hartford Tlme& ♦ ♦ hs a good Uiing Uiat kxstbali rules havcn ; becu <axaiiged. niueli Uib soason. Qwendoliu says all sht- eau undersUuid is the p&ss and the iu • formatory double. Bostou Qlobe,