Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 26, 26 October 1933 — AERIAL CARS CARRY WORKMEN OVER COLORADO RIVER [ARTICLE]

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Popular Mechanlcs Workmen at Hoover dant are carried lrom the Arizona side to the Nevada side of the Colorado river in aenai cars traveiing about 600 feet above the river. There are nine cableways strung across the Biack canyott about "one-fourth of a miie apart and these "skips," as they are called, play a blg part in the construction of the dam, sLnce they transport both men and material, cairylng 150 tons at a Umw. — ~ Light Shaft for Edi»orj Memorial Proposed Mechanicg As a memorial to the late Thomas A. Edison, a 400-foot shaft of light projecting into the sky is proposed. The light would be generated by a giant dynamo in a building in Menlo Park, N. J.. y ' ■ BuUdl Super Power R&.dio Statiom Popuiar Mech&iiics . ,Powered at 100,000 kilowatts, a super-power radio bro«icicast st&tion to be constructed m Englana is expected to serve the entire British Isles. It wilī have one long-wave transmitter £o.*: national programs, and a high-powered meelium wave for regional programs, thus replacing two stations now in operation. It is expected to be in operation in 1934. . ( V. Seeping Hose for Lawn Is Newest Thing Popular Mechanics Irrigatlon 6f lawns and gardens is simplified by using a large hose riiade of Woven fabric whieh permits water to seep through the sides throughout its length, thus applying the moisture uniformly. When filled, it measures three inches in diameter and when empty lt collapses into a fiat tube. It is made in sections whieh ean be joinec together for long reaches and is light in weight.