Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 25, 19 October 1933 — THE MODERN AUTOMOBILE HAS GONE AUTOMATIC [ARTICLE]

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If you pass a Jieighbor'ri garage some morning and cur back itself out and sUnd waiting wlth the motor all cranked and ready to, go, it will be just an action pictin-o of thp Amerk'an inotor car "going auloinaUe." i

Already it is possible to touch a button on the instruinent board anel have the, garage doors swiag open oj- shut. If that'a 100 mysterious you ean flip a switch'on a poM. a:s you run along the driveway, the Uoursn res])onding to your wiahe» like humble aer\ anta., At comparatively small expense you ean add a fow time switchefj and controls . Jhftt your motor 'will start. itself any you desire. It ean be made to back itselfjout of the door or eome down the driveway to meet you. On two hijgh-pnced cars, it is no longer necess.ary fo"&%fust valve tappets, or over th£ir variettēs of noise. Hydraulic taptets, wftkrh automatically adjust themselveri for proper cleurance in relation to expansion of tlie valve stems, aeeompliah this trick.

Comparatively few motorists are farailiar with the heat eontrol, a speeial thurmostat wiiieh, when inserted in the intake manifj>ld, automatically regulates its temperatqre. A conventionfi'motor today inay earry as many as five tftermostats, eaeh one duing some jo(> au'ion!iatica]ly and doing it well. One contrds tho radiat>r shutters, another assista m heating up the eoolinfi: aystem for ! hlof<i effective performance th<; l'irst five of 10 mmutes of operation, and a care of the eholeo valve. Therp ais also thermostats t# re£«'late intake (ieai and to vontiol ihe opening ani closing q{ the doors in the sides, of the hoods T /vUtomatic f?uction vā,ivQs, aetuateo by m9'or jac;jaum, control the spark regulation o|i some mōtors. Anot]her new application <?f tbe suction valve is in eonnectiori with the fer starter. T % .is startinjg was developed out o£ a human Engineers noticed that wheii the aY,erage driver stalled the motor he se smed to expec'. aeiion by pressing all the vay down on the accelerator. Out of this has eome tjie arran£ement whereby you start hy presaing on the aecele:atQr pedal. Va«e!ine Inven*oi- Dles Rabert ,Che{4ebrough, inventor of vaseline of l;he Chesebrouivh Majn#acl«i ; 'mg" Co., died at his home in Spring Lake, N. J., early in September. He wa&3fi years old. īn 1858 began making by-products jelly. He experimented for .and finally hit upon the jelly w|aich, fig vaseline, He registered tjie jvqi ; 3 as &trade make and \vas successJcun|i )t people that it was useful. | retired as president o^. iftetvC9|»pany about 20 yeara ago, though I cqntin„UWg. as a director. The company main|ains l?r4nches in Lon^oi^ Paris, Berlin and^ontreaV j " \Vintor montTis m the United average tour degroes warmer than 60 years ago. ! " ' Chemwts produce synthetic woods that a/e harder than teak and softer than eoi-k. . ■ j. .. • ;.■; ■