Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 25, 19 ʻOkakopa 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]
It's All in Fun
Mo«tiy Stripe» . Foel kam out here to get loeal eolor for a pastoral poem. Farmer: I reckon you're gettii\g it, mister; I painted that settee only this monim*. —Pitt Panther. ♦ ♦ ♦ A Slight Mi»understandiri£ A salesman in a well-known New York book store had heen asked to provide a customer with a copy of a popnlar cui*rent novel. He stooped to ,cret the book out of a lower shelf, būt found that a verv ehamiing young ladv wa? standing directly m front of the shelf he desire<j\aecess to. ing timid, he did not request her to movo aside, hut attempted to get the book anyway. īn so doing. he brushed slightly agāinst hor shapely blue-vStoekir.ged litnbs Tn an irritated manner she demanded of him, <, Sir, what are you trying to do there?" ' The salesman straightened up and in a eool, snave voice repHed, "Pardoh me, madame; but I was trying to find 'Wheie the Blue Begins > ."—SeKofield News. ♦ ♦ ♦ I ditched mv boyfriend because when I wont oui with him l«u>t night he look ūie wro«gfark," "Atā dinner part> " 4 "Ko, in the t\>ad.