Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 25, 19 ʻOkakopa 1933 — CURIOUS THINGS ABOUT GLASS [ARTICLE]
_ Experimente that anyO)ie nniy conduct will reveal many cuHous things about ,glass. Brittle ami breakab!e,: glass exceeds almost all other materials in ela»ticity. Tf two glass balls are made to strike -eaeh other at a given forc6, the recoil will be nēarly equal to the original impetus, due to their elastic qualitie«; If the hole in a hollow sphere is tightly closed with thē finger, the sphere will fly to pieces because of the expanfjion of the internal air from the heat of the hand. Vessels made of glass that have been suddenly cooled ean resīst hard blows on the outside, but the smallest object, even to the of a pea, dropped on the inside b'ottom wiil cause the vessel to collapse. The thicker the bottom ,the easier the ve«se'l will break.