Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 25, 19 ʻOkakopa 1933 — BYRD GOING ON HUNT FOR VAST HIDDEN TREASURES [ARTICLE]
BOSTON — Rear Admiral Riehard E. Bvrd sailed from this port \vith two sliīps4 and 70 men for a second two-vear expedition to Little Amen'ea» at the South Pole. Little ; America, in the ice-bound Anaretic, where the temperaturo rangos from 40 to 70 degrees helow zero, ta not a pe!asant plaee to spend two years. The tce in the Bay of Whalea opens in Dcccmber and freezes ln Mareh, Between March and T)ecember, A<imlrat Byrd and 20 of his technical aides, must retttain on the iee eap, cut off from the rest of the world, The nearest ei-vHi.zed port, Dunedin, N. Z., is 2,300 miles away. The admiral, in brlef, says: "Our main object is scientific research, We believe that Little America is a va*t continent. ahd we mean to elaim it for the United States. "Few People realize that there is an area e<iual in size to the United States and Mexico whieh has never been seen by anyone and whieh it is our purpose to explore and map and chart. If this proves to be a continent, it v/ilt be claimed for the United States. M Little America is all promise. Last time we discovered a huge eoal veir> in one of the mountains. We know that there must be oil, too." This expedition meaftg that the Antarctic, «ole remaining blank area on the face of the earth, will become an open book.