Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 24, 12 ʻOkakopa 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

It's All in Fun

Your Painl Now in Tour Favorite Qdor The smell *df paint,. <fisMreeLb]e to some, has been reptlaeecl by ¥ odor in a new qirick-drying'ena'mel now on the n-.uvkct. 1 — • 4 +■ -W ' A Real High PrlceTfigekt Yeah? iii one of the stat£S a power compar.y is bsing sue4, k££&u§e one of it* etnplove» in $he pe.rfo*s3sitce Qf his duti«s svaiKed in tne ]a4i r of the house waā in the bath tub and bec.ause of that one um>remeditated iittle peek, the lady is suin;-: .... i=,io.uov» daraages. Just imagine the amoitot o* hari|i <?) tKat must have result r ed to require thaf mueh money to reetify it, .!. 4 . ♦/.. Made on lrUh Confetti A new briek-making maehine pumps air out >f the clay and m produces bricka that aiv narder and heavier. I 4: - Nothing Like Experience Private M<>se Johnson was spending his third day in the ti*enches and the rumor was about €hiat his unit was to go over the top the next Toward evening ai\ officer of M<?se's company eame upon the tali darky istajnding on tiptoes, looking over the v>arapet. i "Waat iu Uie vvo*"ld are you ti*ying to do?" stormed the officer. "Wc all ovah de top m the mawu m'. ain't we» &iiht" "Maybe!", "Well, ise up here tryiiig to get a htt t buliet-dodgmg praetice # sah." — Schefu?l4 , ♦ + "What do you mean* I got a luck\* break wheu I a frivolou& gM like you" > " "My was <oing to shoot yau if you didn't." | , 4. * 4. : I last night \vitli the fastest on whe(ils. Hc: Whai ,kind of a c«r wa^ Sh< agam: I'm not Āpe«kiiig of thc .ar I nu-aii the driver. 4 4 4 | ¥#•» Tha»kyQu SuieHtug si.lU aw willi B. O,