Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 24, 12 October 1933 — LIFE'S MISTAKES [ARTICLE]

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1- . * Here are seven n)iiBtakes of life that man,v people piake: The delusion that individual advancement ia made by crushing others dōwn. Insisting that a thing is impossib!e because we oursielves csnnot accomplish it. Refusing to; set aside trivjal preferences, in order that imporfcant things inay be accomp3ished. Neglecting development and refinement of mind by not acquiring the haUit of read'ng. , \ Attemptiwg tcon®el other persons to bolieve and Ilve as w€"do. The failure to establlsh the habit of money;—Schofield News. ii. A>. iji n ,irr ,g Storm CeH«ir Shelters 12 Persons Twelve can find protection from cvclones and Other W!nd storms in a tanklike cellar Bes;embling a hotwater tank mueh targēr, the cellar is insta!led under gtound. A water-proof cover closes the i ehtrance.' Te&tilation is also provided. i • -' V' 1 ,