Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 24, 12 October 1933 — FIVE MILES A MINUTE [ARTICLE]

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Aviatorcj ua<pd to have a saying that with enough could make'a barn door fly. This year they are doing that and more, for they ai*e pr'actical?y flying' the motor alone, Tfhe kniielike wing of a record breaking plaht» is smaller than a barn door. The fuselage 'is merely a streamline fairirtg behind the radial engine. By reducin£ the size of fhe planes and increasing the size of the motors, ergineers are producingj man made meteors thai hurtle through the air at 300 miles per hour. Several of the planes racing this summer could do five miles a minute. Tucked away in thē tail of his midget plane, the pil<|)t Slt9 almost motionless during a race. Controls are hypersensitive at high speed aiid the slightest pressure on the stick immedtat6 response. So exacting are theT re<juirements oi racing that nearly all thei speed flying in the states is <!one by a small group of racing pvlots.