Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 17, 24 ʻAukake 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]
Let's Laugh
"That'slike snowman T almost thought, "Mavbe yott got my brother" jaa^^^^de," 01d Woman: this washing Salesman: O. W.: Every IM?jggßt in %he .■ttiing. the me off my feet. L-*swaS<fc&»'>. . Vr~ * f Deep mggietg Now 1 want Al&e,?£ to have h thorougiii- rt up-to-date education," «aid liis mothet\ "includrag ' ,r ~~ ■* "■ w\" sa>4 tiie he-wi i 4<*s& r i , - - • all going to be an ~ ■ --* . .. i. "i see you,'re ie4t»ag y(w" ]it- ' tle &on dnve "Yes'm, he m g&sk jtiQQ„¥Qmg to be trustca as a, , p^g^X|Xi. , '-rMouthpiece. . . | >- .~.r- t - Hard BoMjglts<gg:/. , . i jjiner: Here this [emeken away, as a | paving &tone. „ t . , • f Waiiress; Mayhe. .it T S „|i- Plyjmoutii Rock s sir."_. ~ -j 1 "-L - Armistice , . Ivlisoress: Mary, Ygsfcei;day you broke two ¥£$6§ md,U>day you have brokei% tīiyee plates and iour cup&. be broken lomoiww» rate? Ivlaid: O, iW&'am. [ii is my i Woelienaehau. , - 11 ' J! j "I expecl Iq „ , vaca " Uon iying about tW Lu"Yos, you oiw, about your age $riā >our ineome," /«, ' » < - 1 : Tlie loaion som« r>f n<t>wer batliing suits \yhite is becau&e girls ln the same Lompaet' wlifo |x>wdir P^ Wwnwteō-fe^!} rrr«av^^^Ii yoa'd Uke. ilie &iyins tho hatcliet it was v,itli GeQQ^ tothfir ' ■: The luan who hg had that bcen wasn"t fll a raceai-, but Qf «UīM» c^Bege. "lii it tiue UāsL %§ equiUbii;st and pe!r - fonner has fccn6 -Yes, he his household bu<3^eV^^ \\\-uUī - be p;i1I me eut; I \vint r ' - Rescuer;, AlidL You :i h.m to go uuiil _ On.ce ; The yo«ng piojkwed. ,; "No," si\e th<ws*rui ttmes »«>r c * r 'Well, dcu . I oi>l> *sfcwi jvu w. .