Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 11, 13 July 1933 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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••--- n r «- - • - - ' ; -i 1 - L 1 : - ' /-••»■■" I , Our Mission , . I' m Inlife is the coatmued productlon of GQod Pxlfttia£. We haye S H the mo»t modern type faces aad equ»pment aad devote all ,oF 8 S our «ff°rts lo thxs one phase of the prmting business, We S ean jfive y6u ' ,~'}: : 1:- ; ® S g 1 § 3 prices that meet present-day needs. Our overhead is "es.- |8 gg tremely low — that is YOUR PROFIT. B I WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU JUDGE OUR PRICES H jj ANI> THE QUALITY OF OUR WORKMANSHIF Ē I Some Printijig Suggestions i j§ LETTERHEADS ' * 1 8 g§ STATEMENTS B 9 ENVELOPES ■ M BILL HEADS i» S m INVOICES * I M RULEDFORMS l 1 m BUfSiNESS CARDS ■ 1 m ANNOUNCEMENTS I §j INVITATIONS I i PAMPHLETS | I 8 1 . ANNIJTALS 1 9 I*ROGRAMS I §§ MENUES I g j. NOTES I § PHONE 01618 for BETTĒR PRINTING 1 I Kumalae Pubushlng Company 1 S 2411 South Kin* Street H<plulū, H«w*ii _ B