Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 11, 13 Iulai 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]
Let's Laugh
f#°ts of .Piractice "How did you ijecome such a fancy diver?" pp.urse tjaat _ &ad iQts pr water. lxazards." Too Bad Wile: I <lidn'tlife:e tJie looks of that pretty so I discharged her tMs afternoon. Husband: Before gftving her a ehanee? I Wife: No, before giving you a I ehanee. | "Boney, your old man's been ihcarcerated in the city jaU!" "Good heavens! As if it wasn't bad enough just to have lockod him up." [ "My mother-in-law has been i ciptui*ed 'f)y Chinese bandits.'* . "WsU, ,>tffer ttien te» thousajfnd (toUai:s." r "i.eliel, but they keep t psr. n ( "Havg . got youi- niQney*s ~#]»& foad;"No, wut I wpl have in about , yiree mo^^a^eā."