Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 10, 6 July 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]

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Let's Laugh

He Was No Bugler The captain of an American negro company said that. he , needed a good bugler, and that if there were any ln the eompany they should stepnf>ne paee forward. One wizehed little fellow shulfled to the front, "Are you a good bngler?" asked the capt;ūu, "No, suh, I'se no bugler ; " the private decla'-ed J as if he'd been insulted. "Well, for the love of the army ard navy, why did step forward?" "Well, suh," grinned the little fellow, "X thought you said burglar." The lurned Card in Fiorida paper: "Thursday I lost a gold watch X valued very highly. Tmmediate - ly I inserted an ad in your lost and found eolumn and waited. Yesterday I went home and found the watch in the pocket pf another suit. God bless your paper." —Or ūs Either "Doctor, do you think I'll get bet.ter?" | "Yes, you have only a high fever, but that doesn't worry me." ; "Well, if you had a hlgh fever. it wouldn't worry me, either," ; Teacher: If I buy a pair of iaioes for $4.87 and sell then for $9.50. do I make any money? Johnny: Well, you make on the dollars but you lose on the ients.—lmua. Modem Youth "Do \ou tliink it will do nny good to give my littte boy instruction in the facts of life? " "Well, it might refresii his hiemon'." ——— o— —— ——— More than 15 Mllion tons of earth were lifted in dust clouds 1 and redeposited during a sU->rm on the steppes of Russla in 1928.

Little Bobby was traveiing in a Pullman car for the first iime; he awoke during the night.

"Do you know where you are?' asked hls mother.

"Sure I do," answered the young traveler, ( Tm in the top drawer,"—lmua.

| "If t don't quit chasmg around < I'll land in the hospital/' "Who so? Yotlr doctor?" "No, my wife." ChUly Wife: first husband dJ,*d in my arms. 2: I believe it. I'll bet he |rozge to death. Teacher: Can you tell me what a waffle it, Thomas? Tommy: Yes'm- It's a paneake with a nonskid tread.—Imua. o —- An astronomer says that if the chirps of a cricket ln 13 seconds are counted, and 42 ls added to the total, the result will be ,the temperature of the plaee where the cricket is singing. In cieaning gannents of niud, most of it ean be removed by brushing with the warp, but not by brusliing agalnst it, T— — ■ 0~ ——. Tea and coffee stains on ehinaware are easily .'emoved by rubbii\g them with soft c!oth dipped in dry table sait. — » . o~— Silks are sometlmes treatod to five baths of tin chlorlde and disodium phosphato, the resulting material being about half silk and half metallte salt«. The expense of running the average automoblle is about 6.4 cents a mile, includlng depreciation and 3JUSUfance f lt !s feaid. ( Celioph|ine greenliouses are being fey fardners, I