Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 10, 6 Iulai 1933 — FASTER AIR TRANSPORTS SPAN CONTINENT I NDAY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Compcthig air lines this year

So fast have the planes proved

.tomistic are t'ainking of 16-hour trips. These ships will be a far cry from the noisy cabir.3 wlth cramped quarters into whieh pas.sohgcVs clambered a few years ago. Spacious seats t quleter cablns and more luxurlous fltMngs are comjnon to all, a?. are also numerous modern safe - ty features and equi;>ment.

They are ca'Jed "silent" liners becau.<se the rnotors have been geared to drlve the threē-I>*iade screws at ver/ low speed, thus ellminatlng .nnoh of the objec? tionable no'se. In aduifcton, the cabtn is w-Il !nsnisted tbe exh au,st 15 ran undel* the lox/er winj;s Tt ls possible to carry on a conversatlon In these new pla}jo> w3thout raising the volce, tut rāther talk in one's usuai tone.