Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 9, 29 June 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]

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Let's Laugh

We Hope It's a Gentle One "Mother," littlc Jack, "ls it correet to say. that you *water a horse' when be is t3aifsty?" "Yes. dear," replled his mother. "Well, then," said Jack, pieking up a saucer, 'Tm going to milk the cat." I No Lie' 1 George: "Delancey tried to ! make me believe he*d driven the I same car for five years and never paid a cent for repairs, Do you believe it? Garageman: "Tes. I'm the fel!ow who made all the repalrs. little Mary (getting her first sight of a peaeoek): Look quick, Auntie. One of the chickens is in bloom!—lmua. The kind lady he!ped the sma3l boy to struggle out of the water. "Dear me," she sald, "how did you eome to fall in?" "I didn't eome to fall ln,** he sobbed, I eame to fish" < £ S«re Cnre 4, D0c r I want sordethiiig to help me forget paln, and you"re the man who ean fix me up" 'Oh, do you want a whiskey prescription?". "No, i want a date with your niirse." Somethin/? to Lolnto Sheriff: I understand y©u oalle<i me to see about a checX, Merchant: Yes, I want a eheek on n\y wife*s whereabouts 4, we always remen\lvr we are here to help o«iers." k< Yes. iMss Perkins, but what are tht others here for?"—lmua, "What's vour naaie, littia boy?" -What's Oie rest of it?" ' Uk3s 'Km T©of h a»' Husky Wifii- I heard you baby eating apinaeh wuld gi\c l\uu nuiscles ot steel a Uko Tar*an\ I a,Urge cau, ,HuW>i Are ym W fqcding it to the U\lai ? Wifu\ No, I*m goltui to feed4ng U to you.