Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 9, 29 Iune 1933 — THIEF TAKES OWN PICTURE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


After a thief had brok?n intc a New Jersey f!lling station repeatedly, the proprietor arrānged an fnexpenstve trap tiy whieli the prowler took his own picture as he pulled open the money drawer, By a simple airangement of camera and flash light bxilb t whieh were connected with the drawer, the arrangeiuent produced a picture whieh proved. a taiuable elue in the search r for the thief after his next visit. i' - -O •' i More people are injured by I mulee in the United States than [by airplanes.—News note.. I Motto to this story is—lf you wai|it an air ride t choose . the plane, it's safer. Articles of white leatfrer .ean be cleaned by rubbing them with iaa. art-gum eraser.