Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 9, 29 June 1933 — NEW TRAIN WILL MAKE SPEED OF 110 MILES PER! [ARTICLE]

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Ameftca's newest historymaking transportation sensātiori—a high speed, light weight stream Hned passenger train, eapahle of malting 110 miles per hour—has been ordered bullt for one of the mainland's largest transcontinental rai!ways, It will be put in experlmental operation on the company's lines to test its practicability of operation. - The traln is fully streaxnlined to a greater extent than has been attempted to date in any country. To get the full bene•fits of streamlining, the windows, of shatterproof glass, are placed practically flush with the •>outside of the car, vestibules between cars are covered to oontdnue the smooth of the cars; all such devlces as headlights, tall lights, whistles, bells etc., are recessed into the car body. A specially designed meehanism opens Uie doors and lets down folding steps for ontrance and exit. The train is fully air condltioned; windows sealed» and ventiiation used wiiieh * ill heat Uie train in wUiter, eool it in suniuver, filter £01 dirt md dust fi-oni UiO outside alr, and by maintainjnqg a sllght air press\vre m Ihe car, will exc!ud<? all dir f and «Jnders The sealed wlndows, heavy body inaulaUon, complet-e streanilminu:, Überal use of rubber in trucks» and probabb' t\ie use of a resilient wheel, w'ill mterially reduce noise. A modern lndirect lighting systeni ts provlded. The are tne most comforUble tliat modem art has developed. The train will Cwnsist of three cars artlcul(tted, l. e.. eiu truck between e&eh two cars a n the cars hinged t-ogether. Tliis eonstruction wm save *etghl. cost and reduce frlcUon. A $00

harsepowcr āUMIUiu- burnh>g' is loCtoU\i m ii>o for\sacd, ead ol Uie wlueh ates & gciveiuu i 4 \ho uaiu li&v~ ius eiecUric Un\c K.uiw^' oflic® &ud bu.\£vi£e AX>isis are aisi oa Uie u»iu.