Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 8, 22 June 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]

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Let's Laugh

CoUeg« lad iarrested for speeding>: But, your honor t I'm a colleg« Doy. Judge: Xgaor&ncc doesn v t excuse anybody.—lmua. Teacher; whai i.s or.ehaif of one te»ih? Small Bcy: I don't know onaeili', ieaehei:, but it can't be aiueh.. The s&i's iūs home &roba&y to tho thc uaa _ A rot e his faUwr ftoBi 'N'o nw., iu> iua, your his lalhei" "Hqw sa4 your Fathe»% does Uv;s 60 \i's u» v.s^v, a 4āx\S linie at v$Q?; we 54>v. s IV t <UOst Oi Uaie m ihe kitchcr. passi?\& a $]m |£$UIK; .V.H\ 848 f-