Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 6, 8 June 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]

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Let's Laugh

The Truih Frot; Beiore ioag we may expect aa iaventiou that wiil enaWe us do witixout sieep a!together. Student; ,WJfcxat's tiie matter wiU* Uie saxaphone, *ro®t Posiiive "it, &s you admit, you wert mUes awav digging pot,nioea wheai this man arrested speeding, how ean you testify the car was doin« at the inost oniy 20 miles an heW " "Jedge, Ah 'jsed to own that eaii."

Getting Started ,° id Qolf Ciub Member; Weil, did you do it in? Member: Seventy-six. 9* Jc- M Very good, indeed 7" and tomorrow Tm to piay tfae seeond hole.

Aa Aocredlt«d Membcr «tu£iuess Mmxx: I $uppose vou w ; team? " \ve& sfts, I do all the »edA4 Wli&t s taiat ? I Now ap the foottoslls.

ihe Learne4 wlsh those nelghwoiilei out of coacrete. feoughc you iikwi «i»t-rKCt, yes, hut ~ ok eoaeme, 3uMr *eelīi\L V*® 6, I often WhAi IVcUy, īj |g