Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 6, 8 June 1933 — WINDOW BARS KEEP OUT INTRUDERS [ARTICLE]
. Protection to the hoiue aga jnst burglars and kldnappers is provided by a set of bars that appe*v wlien windows are opened and that disappear wlien the windows are closed. Set six inehes apart, Ihe bars are attached to the top of the upper win(tow saah and to the boltom of 4he lower. When the window is closed, the bars are eoneealea in holes drilled in the sills and wails.
Opening the sashes brings the bars into view. The operation is noiseless. Eaeh bar is made of steel, about 3JO tnches long. Win - tk>ws fitted with unbreakable glass and the bars are virtually burglar - proof.—P. M.