Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 6, 8 Iune 1933 — DIVE BOMBING AT TARGETS ASSURES ACCURACY [ARTICLE]
Bombs release<J fraai aa aipplane <3c not drv>p nose dcwu ua-' tll aft4?r they have faliea ios xv-' enil ihousand feet. Owlng jto! thosr forward sj>ecU whea r\ile*v- ! ei.l, "\hcx hvria<mUUi' at' Hui suuJ U\en &ruduAU> a ovvr t U ftrt druppcil (wmi' a !ov Vhe
Ilkely to strīke on Uieir sides anel īn many cases fail to exp!ode.
To overcome v this difficulty, l»artlculiftjrly in low-altitude bomblng, the pilots dlve their planes at the target, thus poiniing the nose of the projectile toward the earth when it is released and causing it to hit with the fuse end first so it will surely explode— PM.