Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 5, 1 Iune 1933 — Let's Laugh [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Let's Laugh

Laatitinf Shirts Saiesnian: These sliirts siniply la-ugh at the laundry, sir. Customer: I know. 1 I've had some eome bacic with their sides split. f Just a Littie Mixed i Th« duUes of a justice of tlie i pe&ee included only an oeeaāoni&i marriage ceremony, and at times he often foui\d it difficult to dissociate the various funcUons of ixis office, He was mar?yiiig a eouple one day and had reached the question, Do you take tiiis maai be your lawfuliy wedded husbaud?" The bride nodded emphaticaily. "And you, tlie accused,'' eonUnued the jusuce turning to the būdegroouu, "wlml have you to say iii youi~ defenser' Corrcct He: How do you Uke my tric smi? Slie; What's eui electric suit? Ke. lt s oue you order by wue aud havc charged.. He Did Ki«ht Nu r vS: I hewd your car was stolei£ Fagan; Yeah, 1 got thcro just sus Uiey were driving off. Nuts; Did you see who they were? Fs«aii; No, bu; I too£ the Ucense nuniber. Sixuple Knou*h In, chscussuig seiI enee wiUi a group of orie.hv&l friends» U;e convei'saUon turjicd to the vexing prc&lem of Uie lr*lemaUeaial date Une—Uie galnI iag oi & day while comirxg here , from Ohiua, L;ie of it j 0:1 Uie way back. I Aii Foo e«sili I The wo-i,d. he rouuvi, aU. s»vraee , orangee, eiiiua uphiil, Amenea i dow You OiUiia» up hill I Āilee ;noxe siow, ioik" i one \'ou ct.iiiie back , dowii luil .Uieo \\ 40 more ; quieJs; c*tchem up one d*y, G«od ldea Marlon. Wha'. %ould gi\c for a voicc like Mune 1 , Helen: C&loroslorm. %