Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 5, 1 Iune 1933 — MILK STORED IN 'BLOCKS' [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Milk is being frozen for storage Ui li\dia by ufcilizing a quickfreezii'ig process for liquids invented by a Russian. The flxud is frcaen mto large ,blocks artd piaced in storage foi some time. Tests have shown tliat it does no*i deteriorate.

Whirling Blades Move Snow Whirling screws cleared the pavement of snow on winter mountain roads in the West and Northwest. The screws of ihe new plows cleared the roads while the maehine proceeded āt 15 miles per hour and as a resalt lt was able to cleat any ordinary streatchof roadway !n a re.mar"k" able' short spac.e J: .. -P?.M,

Wheelbarrows r ! 'h p. - - matic tires is the ' anrrv.-— ment to the old Irish buggy.