Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 3, 18 Mei 1933 — 14-CYLINDER MOTOR IN HAWK'S NEW PLANE [ARTICLE]
Engineers tried to see how many cylindm they could crows on a motor for Captain Frank Hawks' newest speed plane. The resuit was. a engine with H cylinders arranged in two adjoining circles, one behind the other. 'Ths unusual power plaat is expected to propel Uie bullet-like craft af metal at a top speed of 250 miles an liour anā enab£e it- to set new r*vords. It equipped for blind riying —P.S. M, Guns Cie»n Cemeni Kilns away v,itli repeating siic4firui\s, workcrs in a middlewastern ccoieat factary now ciesa.ii out ktinA iu wlUeh hardened eenienl fonned. In the past, to eiean out the cement Uae kUn iiaā ie °00l ofl and then ■mm Wiai 4edg€!iiaminers wouid enter and break aw&y the eeI ment, By using toag-bArreled sL«>t&uns and No. 12 shot k ihe t riiv«s are now knocked ioose at a , iiieai sa,ving in time anō iaoiwy. i —>P.SJS4, i Umi is Lawn i Hou&eu>ps iike tiiat «ie%v >pa New York aixlukv e [ weatherpreoi and du*nl'e :.incJies of sod, in two layers, are held in piaee by The ! grass .aeiualli' and needs onii occasionai a water pxpe sprinkler run> a!oi\g P» ridge of the roōf-k«^.—B JSAL ,——o - M*rinecs ia Seaai&nsixip is now boir.£ Uught students at the t'iuwrsu> Oi SouU\ern Caii£arp.\i "Hh' oUuik. oii lXMu\i sea * to - pracuc^