Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 2, 11 Mei 1933 — GIGANTIC INSULATOR HAS TRANSFORMER INSIDE [ARTICLE]
Fourteen feet in height, a porcelain iasulator, with a transformer inside it, has been developed for use on a 220,000 volt transmission line in Ohio. The result of this odd arrangement is improved msulation in the circuit where it is employed. In addition to its eīectrical advantages, the insulator is eonsidered a of potterymaking it is fornre<3 in two halves. eaeh having a shell of one-pieee porceīain —P.SJ»i
By dippin£ orciinary newspal»rs in a secret varnish-like soluWon of chemicals. »Dr. Joseph Broadman. New York Citv phy«ieian, beiieves he has found a to maKe them virtualty tndestruct.ible, Shaets treated in way are given a luster that $aid to improve, rather tharv d#ract from thelr legibility. wmabi flexible and easy whiie tensile stjength is mulUpiied about 20 times. Dr. Broadniaii diaaced Upon his disco\*ery during a se»reh a way te preserve hīs volumuums eoUeeīion of svar clippings PS.M
At ar, sugax factory. a stream of is used to ua!oad sugar lroui the rreight cars, Sinoe ;$ d s:uaii nem of ::ms n\otf;ou *s boih Vtetv>i< Fro;u :he c&rSt a corve% -:es <ho beots mtO f^Mfy
Funnels on. a new JYvn;o!; «Uj> aiso sfirre as as h;\vin g stairA ;vi s inu': r.v to Uieni. for the m* oī the i>asse<ngers. Oii shī|js wiih $everal Xuiuiei6, oao or two gmemi~ OU^'