Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 1, 4 May 1933 — AIRPLANE SPEED IN NEW RAIL BUSES [ARTICLE]

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Strange cars are beinj uesigned for rail lines in ttie states and abroad to meet p) ?er t demands for speed and ecoiiomy. A 60-foot rall bus has be*>rr g>.ven severe tests afc Detroit, Mieh., and proved it cbuld develop ā speed of 85 miles an hour. Ā. J6cyUnder gasoline engine drives it,. Made of aluminum, it is only one-quarter as heavy as a railway car.

Designed for use on the road between Berlin and Hamburg, Germany, a streamlined traln, eonsisting of two cars joined together, ean whirl along at Ihe surprising speed of 90 miles an hour; powēred by a huge Dlesel motor. The train was developed after experiments with an air driven zeppelin car—P.SM.