Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 40, 14 April 1932 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I ■ I PTAI t'MENT OF THE OWMFHPHIT\ ManßKPn>ent etc., rt«iuUeU by Act of Coagre« o$ 2i, 1919, of Kt AlftklU 0 Hawaii/ pubtlshed weeMy at Honolulu, terrttory oT H4w&Q f«r April 1, 1932. Terrltory of Hawall^ City and County o! Honolulu. Before me, a. Not»ry Publlc, tn and for the territory &nd county aforesatd, personatly tppeared Jonah Kumalae, wbo naving been duly sworrt accordlng tolaw, deposea and «*y« that he ls the manager of the Ke Alakal o Hawall, an<s that th« followlng ls to th« t£fft of hl« fcnowledge and bellef a true stat-ement of the ownershlp, management etc,, of the *foresaid publlcat!on for the dp,te nhown in captlon, requjred by the Act OĪ Aug\i»t 34, 1915, embodied tn Sedtlon 443. I pf .Rta! [>aws and Regulatlons. That the name and address •r>{ t,he pub%her, edltor, managing7e3īfor jarid buslness manager Publlsher, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S, Klng St. Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 8. King St. Buslness Manager, .Tonah Kumalāe, 2411 !S, King St, 2 Tbat the owner ls Jonah Kumal&e, 2411, S. Klng St. JONAH KUMALAE, Manager WiUiam K. Richardson, Notary Publie
AINA KUAI EMI LOA ma HALA DRIVE, Helu 953 $3300 wale no r Q PHOTO STUDIO satisfactlon Guaranteed Phone 5343 408 N Beretania at King Day & Night S^rvīce AHAHUI A KA POE KANUKO HAWAII E kokua eloaa k» hana a kft poe nele liana Ma ke Kaoua a ma na Mahlko Keer« Hoohana kaki ole 81 Alanui Nuuanu lai me Mr. Johnson eawie? ICE CRjE AM He Mea i Hanaia ma Hawaii e Kamaaina mat ke klllma rr?; 0 ka aina nei i loaa mai na pipi Waiu Hawaii mai, i hanai pono ia a mal ke kopaa 1 hoouluia Hoko o Hawal!. HUI AIKILIM A 0 R AW.LE Y 4 S Kelepona 1275 H. L. HOl STF N (Linekona) Loio a Kakaolelo mn *■'* Kan^wai Wailuku, Maui Kelepona W A Pahu Leta 121 Kelepona Home, 8824 ro pācifTC CUR!O SHOPPE ELIZABETH AWANa | E Uwe miu > ka oukou |mau mea Hawan p r« i o (auau na'u e kura ma kcv j n\ip.iiia a i ole «■ kiuhī maol'i Imal no fft*u F, hanw» no t ke kumukuai Hela 2062 Alanui Kalukaaa Aug. «, 3930 HALE HANA POi O 1 KUMALAE ! Ka Poi ono o Pauon ; I 1719 Alanui LilHm