Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 39, 7 April 1932 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
" BTATEMENT OF THE OWNManagement etc., required by the Ac(ol Coagrea« of [ August 24. 1912, of Ke Aiakal o Hawaii published weefcLy at Honolulu. territory of HawaO for Apr« 1 1952. * r j Terrltory of Hawali, Ctty and Count? of Honolulu. i Before me, a Notary Publlc, !n and for the terrltory ancJ county aforesald. personally appeared Jonah Kumalae. who having t>een duly awom ac.cordlng to law, deooses and says that he ls the manager of the Ke Alakal o Hawall, ard th°* Ihe followlng tg to the best of his ltnowledge and bellef a true statement of the ownershlp, management ete., of*the aforefeld publlcatlon Tor the date in the above eaptlon, requ!red by the Act of August 24, 19J2, enibocUed In Sectlon 445. tPostai Laws and Regulatkms. 1. Hiat the name and addres« of the publlsher, edltor, managlng edltor and business manager 'la: ■ Publlsher, Jonah Kumalae, 24115. King St, Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. Ktog St. V;" v . : | B«slness Manager, Jōnah Kumalae, 2411 S. King St, 2. That the owner ls Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. King St. JONAH KUMAtAE. Manager William K. Richardson, Notary Pub»c