Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 36, 17 March 1932 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ETATKMENT OF THE OWN EHBHIŪP, Management etc.. requlre<! by Aet of Corigrc« of Augasī 24. 1912. oī Ke Aiak*! o Hawaii publishe<3 weekly at Bonoiulu, terrltory oi HawaU īoi April I, 1932, Territory of Hawaii, C!ty and Oounty o£ Honolulu Before me, a Notary Publlc, !n an<J for the territory and county aforesa!d, personany appeared Jonah Kumalae. who tiaving toeen duiy sworn accordlng to iaw deposes and says thāt he ts the manager of the Ke AJakaf o Haw&H. and that th* foliōw!ng tg to the best of his knawledge and bellef a true «tatement of the ownerthl|p m.anairement etc.. of the aforesaid pub!ication for the <Ute shown tn the above eaplion', requ!red by the Act of Auffusrt 21, 1912. embod!ed In Bection 443 Pnstai Law» and Re<sulat!ana 1 That the name and addrew of the publiBher ( edltor, manaf!ng ed!tor and bualness manag*r is Publisher Jonah Kumaiae 24H S. King Bfc. Ēāitor, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. King St Business Manager, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 B, King St. 2 That the owner i« Jonab Kumaiae, 2411 S. King Bt. JONAH KUMALAĒ. Manager WiHiam K. Rlchardson, Notary Publlc AINA ICUAr EMI LOA ma HALA DRIVE, Helu 953 13300 wale no K 4inau ta Jonah Kumalae 2401 S Kim St.

BEAUTY PHOTO STUDIO Bati«!fart 4 orj Phone 5342 40« H Beretanit afc King D*y 9c Night Serv3<r*» AHAHUI A KA POF KANUKO HAWAI! E kokua e !o«* fea " hana a ka • nele har?& Ma ke ICftona a ma na Mahiko Keej=» Hoohana kaki o)<s 81 Alanui Nuwanu loi me Mr. John»on R A W i t'y IC E CREAM He Mea .1 Hanaia ma HawAil; e Kamaaina mai ke kilima m«l b ka aina nef i loaa mai iva Pipi Waiu Hawaii mai i hanai pono ia a mai ke kopaa 1 hooulula Uoko o Hawaii. H U I A IKILiM A 0 RAWLEY'S Kelepona 1278 H L HOLSTEIN (Linēkona) Loio a Kakaolelo ma l» Kanawai Wailuku, Maui Kelepnna 133 A "ahu Leta 121 - Home, 812*

MIB PACIFĪC C!MO SHOPPE F.UZABETH AWANA F law® mai i ka oukou maii mea Hawaii o na 3 o »t)3u jia'u e ku.ii ma ke komi.<ina a i olp kuai maou mai no }* 4 u. E haawl no 6U i ke kumukuai mnik*i. Helu 2062 Alanul Kaleiaua Aug. 8, 1930 HALE HANA POI O kumalae Ka Poi ono o Pauf»a ! 1719 AUnu)