Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 44, 3 Malaki 1932 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, Management etc.. required by the Act of Cotigresē of August 24, 1912. of Ke Alak»l o ffawsil, pwbllghed at Honolalu, terrltory of Hawaī» fot Aprll 1, 1932. Territory of Hawill* Clty and County of Honolulu. Before me, a F?ot«iry PuMle, to and for the twiltory and county afnresald, pe_r«onftīly acpeared Jonah Kumalae. who haylng been duly swom according to law. depo«ea and Bay» that he ls the manager of the Ke AlaKai o Hawali. and that the lollowing ls to the best of his knowledge aad bellef a true statement of the ownershJp managemerit ete., of the aforesaid publlcatlon for the date ehowu In the above eapUon. re quired by the Act pf Augu«t 24 1912 embodied ln' Sect.lon 443 Postai Lawe and T?.egiilat.lons 1 That the name and addres* oī the pub!lsher edltor, mmnaglng editor and buglness manager is: Publisher, Jonah Kumalae 2411 S. KJng St. Edltor, Johah Kumalae. 2411 B* King St. Business Mahāger, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 6. Klng St. 2 That the owner ls Jonah Kumalae; 2411 S. KĪng St. JONAH KUMALAE Manager WilUam K, Rlchardson, Notary PuWle

AINA KUAI EMI LOA ma HALA DRiyE, Helu 953 $3800 wale no Nlnau ia Jonah Kumalae 2401 S. Kin« St. """" -1 BEAUTY FHOTO STUDIO SatiBfaction GuaranUed Phone 5342 408 N Beretanlß at Klng Jsay & Nighi Serv*ce AHAHUI A KAPOE] KANUKO HAWAIi E kokua e !oaa k* h&na n ka P <>e nele hana Ma ke Kaona a ma naMahiko # Kcen<> Hoohena kaki ole Bl ( , Alanui Nwianu iol' me Mr. John«on

R A WI EY ICE CREAM He Mea 1 Hanala ma Bawa!s e Kamaaina maf ke killma mal o ka alna nei 1 loaa mai na Fip: Waiu Hawali tnas 1 hanal pono ia a mai ke kopaa i hooulula lloko o Hawaii HUI AIKILIMA 0 RAWLEY'S Kelepona 1275 . H t HOLSTEIN (Linekona) !. ( ,in a Kakaoielo ma Kanawai Wailuku, Maui Kelepona 133 A , J ahu Leta 121 Kelepon * i*»w,WW fp pWie CURIO SHOPPE elizabeth awana E iawe mai ' k " " n,a« me» -»n«) ns'u e mmm a i ole e Vn». m*<M mai no i»-u. « 1,0 ,U i ke kumukuai Helu 2063 Ālanui Knlak*ua A\ig. S lft3o — HALEHANAPOIO kumalae Ks Poi ono oPw* 1719 Alanu! Lllln»