Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 39, 28 January 1932 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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STATEMEWT OF THS OWNERSH3P, Maaaeemenl etc., nqulred by the Act of OcmgreM of Augūst 84. 1913. of Se Al&kal o Hawa.ll. pabllshed weefcly At Honoiulu. terrltoi7 of Hawkh fot October 1, 1931. Terrttory of Hawali. Ctty and County of Honolulu. Before me, a Kotary Publlc, ln and for the t«rrttory and county aforeeald. pereonally appeared Jonah Kumalae. who having been duly sworn accordlng to law. depo»es and says that he U the manaifer of ilie Ke Alakal o Hawall, and that the fo)Jrjwlng 1« to the be#t of htt knriwi«ige ar.d beHef a tru« *ta!?ment of the owner«hlp rr)āna(«ement et<\ of the afore <sairt pubt|ratlon for the date Bhown ln the above captlon. re ouired by the Act of Auguat 24 1912 "mbodled in Beot!on 44S P'istai Lawg and kegulatlona 1 That the name and addreas of the publisher, editor, manailng edit<jr and bu«inesfl manafer ls Publlsher. Jonah Kumalae 2411 R Kine Bt Editor, Jonah Kuimlaf 2411 8 King St BuKtness M?.nager Jonah Kumalae 2411 S. King Pt 2 Thāt thf owner la Jonah K in.alae, 2411 S. Klng St, JONAH KOMALAE Manager W.!!:ani K P.h'h..'" s Nn»Ary Publ!c

MNA KUAI EMI LOA ma MAI A DRIVE. Heiu $3!i00 waie no N.iiau ia lonah Kumala* 24(r) 8 Kiry? St. BEA U T 7 PHOTO STUDiO .'-*ati- f artior Otia:amf*d Phor.c- 0342 4f»B K Beretan)a ai Kin* Day & Night Servicc R A wr E Y !CE CRSAM He MtH i llanuia ma Hiwiī « Kamaain» thni ke kilim* mm o ka ahia nel i lnaa {ūui na ! .j, W<iu Hawuii niiii i iiM-iHI pon' in a mal k? kouaa i h<.Muiuin Ho/o u )iawHlJ. HUI AIKILIMA <j RAWLEY S Kelepona 1275 H L. HOi i!• N (Linekona) !,o:n a Kakaoleiu ma kKanawai Wailuku, Maui l\i'i'l)o!Ul A ' , ;!.hu L<*ta 12j Kdepona Home. 8814 AHAHUI A K.A POE KANUKO HAWAII E kokua e loaa ka hana a ka poe nele hana Ma ke Kaona a ma na Mahiko Keeii» Hoohana kak» olv 81 Alanui Nuuanu l'.ai me Mr» John»on m PACIF!C CUR!9 SHOPPF n.IZABETH AWANA !. iwe mai ) ka -nikou i p i llawnii o na i o t> i vu c kn.M :na ke ko--1-:• • \ » ';nui maol') inm 'i,i a'u. F hanwi no au i ke ku'uiikuai Ilelu 2062 Alanvii Kaluk*u« Aug, 8, 1930 HAI.E HANA POI O ■ KUMALAE K n Poi orio 0 P*uo# 1719 AUmui Liliha