Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 25, 22 ʻOkakopa 1931 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AHAHUI A KA POE KANUKO HAWAII 1 kokaa i kwa la 819 Al&mii Nm hnl me Mr. STATBMENT OP THE OWKERSH3P, Management etc. t r«qulred by the Act of Congress af August 34. 1912. of Ke Alakal o Hawail published at Ho> nolulu. territory of Hawatt {Qr October 1,1981. Territory of Hawail. Ctty and County of Honolulu Before me, a Notary PuhUe. tn and tor the terrltory and county aforesaid. personally appeared Jonah KumalM. who havlng been duly sworn acmrding to law. deposes and says that he is the manager of the Ke Alakai o Hawaii, and that the following is to the best of hln knowledge and bellef a trne statement of the ownerAlp, management etc.. of the aforesald publlcatlon for the date shown In the above caption, requlred by the Act of Auguat H, 1912. embodied tn Sectlon HS, Postal Laws and Elegulatlon& 1_ That the name and addreas of ihe publisher. edltor. man&ging editor and buslness manag«i is: Publlsher, Jonah KumalM, 2411 S. B3ng St. Editor, Jonah Kunuilae, 2411 S. Klng St. Buslness Manager, Jonah Kumalae. 2411 S King St. 2 That the owner ts Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S Kinp St. JONAH KUMALAE, Manager William K. RichSrdson. Notary PuhUe