Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 24, 23 October 1930 — A DOUBLE CROSS [ARTICLE]
Lovingly they laid to rest— Their Chjef Prince Kuhio, ■ ; ! Fondly their words caressed The great vK.orks of Kuhio. He paved way tiringiy-<r-He asked nothingln retuin. He sQUght that whieh \vas w best— For his people did he y<&rn. •To rehabilitate again:— That his race mav never pass. ' To this cause his untiring f eet— Trod m«!iy unreeorded ] milea. . I KuKo great protector of Hawaii' nei— I The. memory sealed wilhini our broast «'| Of one \\hoso doed» broughti forth the fruit Wntored by his tears—lill] harve#t. ' j i Who cometh now to rob the; dead! j To plaee himsolf both fore - aiid aft— To woo- to wt«n—>so-\iAv-ingif : j To cast tho jiWadow if "hb f { Awake an*Y [«hiek? tho mea|s k y ) Of the PrinW our 3Roj a\ 1 Glvo sor\ico to c«iugv i;c lovod And thrust th<' r -obbor 'o his fato, : « w Keiki Oiwi r !