Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume III, Number 23, 16 ʻOkakopa 1930 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

STATKMENT OF THB OWNiiRSRIP, Mankgemerii etc„ reiuired by the Act of C©ngress-o? % August 24, 1913, ot Ke Alakal o HLawaii. puDhshed weekly Ho- „ loiulo. territors' oī Hawail tor Oew>ber 1, 1930. CKtritory of fi«wail, City anti County of Honoiulu Belore me, » PubHe« n and tor Uv« U?rrtk>rj &n<3 oounij persona% pe«red 3m&h Kun-.alee. who ,o*viug been <iuly swoni aewnang to iaw, <iepasefi aud.sai*s thal « is thtf m&&Mger ot Ow Ke . o HawnOi atvd that the 'oitowin§ ts to the best o! hk . ftnci beUef a tru« staseī»<?ht £>f thf cwiiex&hip, manag»?R\ent et<„ of Ihe ai<9w>- 1 m!d publk*Uōn fōr dat* «iK»wn li» the oapUoo» required fev the Act o! Augn« H. ' m% eaibodk\i ia §<fcUcs Regsi\aticaji 1. naiu? iddress ,* i>f pB^Sstsff, tttg *n<! bu&int*ss«r tt? * . - WWsl»- Kuraal»e. wsi & Ktm st Kun-uOae. 2401 S. «Ck9 St Manage:, Joaah 1401 S Kuii, Si S. Th*i; Uve owae: & jca&h #08AU K^MAUe 3S. Sli§£ttL'! iicer*se Juue SvK