Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume II, Number 25, 17 ʻOkakopa 1929 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMENT OP THE OWNERSHIP, Management etc., required by the Act o.£ Congress of August 24, 1912, of Ke Alakai o Hawaii, publlsheci weekly at Honolulu, territory oi Hawali for October 1, 1929. Territory of Ha-waiī, Clty and County of Honolulu, Before me, a Notary Public, In and for the territory and county aforesaid, personally appeared Jonah Kumalae, who bavlng been duly sworn uccoralng to law, deposes and says tliat he is the manager of the Ke Alakal o Hawaii, and lhat the following is to the best of his knowledge and belief a true atatement of the ownership, management etc., of the afore;said pubilcation for the date ahown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in Bection 443, Postal Laws and Regulations. 1. That the name and address of the publisfcier ? editor, inanag- ; ing editor and business manager is: Publisher, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S, Kmg St. Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St. Bustoess Manager, Jonab Kumalae, 2401 S. King St. 2. That tlie owner ia Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. Hing st. JONAH KUMALAE, Manager. LEON K. STERLING, NotaryPublic. My license expires June 30, 1930. SOLOMON NAWAK.ELUA Akena Aina me Huli Dala a Kokua Kukulu Hale Lnmi A Halē Hoffsch!aeger Honolulu Kelepona Oihana 4722 Kelepona Home ' 88071 HUI3PĒNA OTO LILIHA Maiau ke Pena ana j Oliiolu ka auhau Kihi o na Alanui Liliha me Kula, Kokoke i Kahi Kuai Kakalina o Sato Kelepona Helu 88623 HE KULANAKAUHALE MALI - HIA A HELE PULE. O kekahi o na taona oia o Saltcr PaUv (Alia Paakai) ma Caroline Akau, Aohe Meia, aohe AMolelo, aohe Makai, aohe poe kinai ahi, aohe Lunakanawai, aohe haunaele, aole inu rama. a he maluhia ma na ano a- i pau, a 0 na poe hana kt U 1 nei. A o na poe ap\u o »ahi taons. nm na la Babrti, e heana l&kou I ka pule me ka noho oīe i, ka\ihale. A ina x o hoi penei ko ke ao nei. ina u u loa aku ka iwuii a ®e ka h *uo tie O ka halepule he wahi kela i maka'u nui ia e ka hapanui o ko ke ao nH, aka, ma na hana pono ole e make mau loa ai ka Uhano. malaila ka hooikaika nui o na kanaka; a o ka oi aku m nae o na hale kh-ox , 'uii ka lu-. ahi o