Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume II, Number 5, 30 Mei 1929 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMENT OF TftS OWNERSHIP, Management etc,, rcqu2red by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of Ke Alakai o Hawall, pubjished weekly &t Honolulu, terrltory of Kawa'l for Aprll 1, 1929. Terrltory of Hawali, Ctty and €ounty of HonoMlu. Before me, a Notary PuhUe, in and for the terr!tory and couaty aforesald, personally appeared Jonah Kum&lae. who havihg been duly -swor.i accordlng to law, deposes and say that he is the manager of the Ke Alakai o Hawail, and that the f«llowing is to the best of his knowledge and belief a true statement. of the ownership, management ete., of the aforesaid publlcatlon for the date shown in the above captlon, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in Sectioti 443, Postal Laws and Regulations. 1. That the name and address of PuhH g h°r, mftrntging editor and busmess manager is: ; Publisher, Jonah Kumalae, j.2401 S, King St, | Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 | King St. . Busiiiess Manager, Oonah Kumalae, 2401 s ; King St. 2. That the owner is Jonah Kumalae. 2401 S. King St. JONAH KUMALAE. i Manager I 3. K. NAKOOKOO. j Notary PubUc ! MY license expires Junc 30. 1929
[EOMKIII Akena Kuai Alna t He mea huli ina aiiia I pohihihi, hana p< \ j kuai, a pela aku. L«m.* 201 Papiilu'le ] f Haie KauikeaoianifßEßNAßD H. KELEKOUO I-010 A KAKAOI.ELO MA KEKANAWAĪ HeOluolii ma na Kukatote!c Aaa a Pau HILO HAWAII HALE KUPAPAU O SILVA He alakai ik> na ! a he ialoa He wahine "ka mea lawolawe i na wahine. Kih i o na Alamii Kuuann ' me Kukui . Kelepona o ke ao ame ka p0—3207 Pahu 2T49 OL aku vvMio * i keu t k» hul'.* rasmun o Kā &r,& i kou Wa ' kī\ piu