Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume II, Number 4, 23 Mei 1929 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

! Tm!tory of Haw&!s, 1 City and County of l Honolulu. , Befbre me, a Notary Public, ln and for the terr!tory and CO«nty aforesaid, personal!y appeared Jonah Kuliialae» who having heen <!uly swom accordlng to law, deposes and says that he U the manager of the Ke Alakai o Hawaii, and that the following is to the best of his knowiedge and belief a true statement of the ownership, management etc,, o! the »fore~ «aid pubHcatlon, īor the oale īaiown ia' the above eaplion, re<joired by the Act of August 34, im> embodied m Sectlon 443, ars<! R*gu!at*o«s 1. Thai the name and address of the-publisher, editor t managing edltor and business manager is: Publisher, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S; King"St "" Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S, KingSt. Business Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St.. 2. That the owner is Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St, JONAH KUMALAS, Manager. J. K. NAKOOKOO, Notary Public. MTT license expires June 30, 1929.

!EDIN KEKUKIi |' ' ' | Akena Kuai Ama | He mea liuli ina aina*_ ! ooliihilii, hana palapak i «uai r a pela aku. Lirmi gOl Fapah«le elun, Haie Kamkeaolani--BERMARD H-KELEKOŪO LOIO A KĀKAOLELO MA KB KANAWAi He Oluolu ma n,a Kukaiolelo Ana a Pau , HILO HAWAII HAUE KUPAPAU O SILVA He alakai 110 na hookwa a he mea ialoa He wahine ka mea lawelawe i na wahme. Kihi o na Alanui Nuuanu me Kukui. Kelepona o ke ao ame ka p0—3207 Pahu Leta 274^ HUI PENA OTO LIUHA Maiau ke Pena ana I Oluolu ka auhau fKihi o na Alanui Liliha ime Kuia, Kokoke i Kahi ! Kuai Kakalina o SaU> ! Kelepona Helu S^6CC>