Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume II, Number 1, 2 May 1929 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. Managemen~ etc., required by ihe Act of Cox\gress ol August 24. ISI2. of Ke Alakai o Hawaii, published weekly at Hcnoiuīu, territor>- of Hawaii foi April ī, 1929. i | TeiTitory of Hawaii, City and County of ; Honolulu. Beīore me s a Nobvry Pubiic, in and for the territorv and county aforesaid, personalU' appeared Jonah Kumilae, whe having been d\ilv swom accord3ng to law, deposes ami says that he is the mapager oī the Ke Alakal o Hawuli, and that thc following is to the best of hii .knowledge and beliei a tnie fst-atemer,t of the ownershlp. managenient ctc., of the afcresaid pubncat3on for the date shown in the above re<TJired by the Aet of August 24, 1912, embodied m Soctīoa 443." Postai Laws &nd RegiJations. 1. That the name ano addres« of the publisher ea "ir tranaging evlitor •anei b u t s ii"nager is; PubUsher. Jo*>ah Ku n»lae. 2401 3. Kmg St. Editcr, Jonah Kamalae, 2401 S *, ! Kiag ī>(, ' Buainess Manairer, ,tonalj Kumalae. ?40l S. K;ng 2. Thac Uw <wuev Kumahie. 2401 a KU\i\ JOXAH Kt*MALAV. Manaig:er K. NAKOOKOo PuMi.' ;\r"Ar f\jWO '