Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume I, Number 52, 25 April 1929 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
STATEMĒNT OF the 0V-\ ErtSHIP, Manage:ne-.\f etc.. reQ'oired by the Act cf 0oiigrcs5 of August. 24. 1912. of Ke Uak;u.o pub!ishea sseek'v Honolulu, territorj of for April 1, 1929. Territory of Hat?ai!, C5tv an<! .Couaty of Honoiulu, Before me, a No r Pub ic, in and for the terr t rj a id county a?or«?sa:d. pe « ppeared Jonah Kumalae. who ifaving been duly swom aecording to law, deposes and tliai he is the maiiager of Ihe Kc Alukai o iuui shat tiie f©Uowing is to the best of hls knowledge and bel'cf a true statenient of the ov'aerdiip. maaageinent etc M of tl:t- aforesaid publication for the <iate shown in t!ie Rbove i-Ai:tion s rtqulred by the Aet of A igusī 24 1912. in Secicn 443, FodUvl Lawā iiiiel Reguls tioui. 1. That ihe name aiiel aāclreJi of the pubU$her. ed:tor. ing edttor ar,ci bus:,r.ei,i n:ana,c;:r Pubhslier. Jen$h 2401 S?.JKi'.v,. St Edito:, Jonah lvun;als,e:, 2401 S King Bttsln*$$ Mana$er. Jonsh K;.TRft!a««. MCl S K:i'g St 2. That Uxe owner .s? iJoau'.-. i KuowUae. 24( ! l S. Kn\g St ī JONAK Kl'MAl.A.K, ; 3lftna$t'ī j K. NAKOOKCV ī rubVnK?T rv}ViT< y s Ju** ' ?■*