Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume I, Number 34, 20 Kekemapa 1928 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHDP, Managernent etc,, required by Ihe Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, oi Ke Aiakai o Hawaii, publlshed weeWy at Honolulu, territory of Hawali for October 1, 1928, Terrltory of HawaJi t City and County of Honolulu. Before me, a !Jotary Pubiic, in and ior the territory and peare«J Jonah Kumalae, who having been duly sworri accordlng to law, deposes and says that he ls tho manager of the Ke i Alakai o Hawau, and that the ; fōllQwlng is to the best oī his : knowledge and be3)ef a true statement of the ownership, management etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, re» quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in Seetion 443,' Postal Laws and Regulations, 1. That the name and address oī n.e p«jbliBher, editor, managin% <.'ci<'-or und basiness manager ia. Publisher, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S,KlngSt. | ISdjtor, «Tonah Kumalae, 2401 S„ Kang St. Business Manager» Jdnah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St. 2, ''That- the owner ls Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St. JONAH KUMALAE, Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me October 1, 1928. J. K: NAKOOKOO, , Notary Public. My license expires June 30, 1929. .' j