Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume I, Number 31, 29 November 1928 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I BAMUEL K. PUUKU MEA PK.NA HALE AME OKOMOPILA KAl' PEPA, nANA 10 LAAC A PENA LAU O KA WAI HOOLUU j LIKE OLE A NA ' HANA A PAU Kelepona 89079 916 Alaiiul Kopke, Kalihi' STATEMENT OP THE OWNERSHIP, Management etc„ required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of Ke Alakai oj Hawail, publlshed woekly at Ho- i nolulu, territory of Hawali for! October l, 1828. Territory of Hawaii, _ City and County of Honolmlu,. in and for 'ihe territory" and; county aforesaid, personalJy appeared Jonah Kumalae, who having been duly sworn according tolaw, depo.%-s āWd says tha.t he ls the hīanaglr of the Ke Alakai o Hawaii, and that the following is to the best of his knowledge and belicf a true statement of the ownership, maiiagement etc., of the afore- \ said publlcation for tbe date ! shown in the above caption, re-1 quired by the Act of August 24, | 1912, cmbodied in Secti©n 443, Postal Laws and Regulations. | ī. Inat the name and address 1 I » , -her, editor, manag- ; II e xsd buoino;« manager ! U>. Publisher, Jonah Kumalae, 3401 S. King St. Editor, Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S. King St. Bustness Manager, Jonah Kumalae. 2401 S. King St. 2. That the owner is Jonah Kumalae, 2401 S, St. JONAH KWIALAE, Manager. Sv.-orn to and subscribed bsfore me Qctober 1, 1928. J. K. NAKOOKOŌ, Notary Public. My license expires June 30, 1929.