Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 6, 1 May 1980 — The Children of Ailau Lament [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Children of Ailau Lament
In preparation for the Kamehameha Day Hula Contest, one of the troupes, Ka Pa Hula Hawaii, held a memorial service for the High Chief Kaumakaokane at Oahu Cemetery. They performed a honorific chant for her, choreographied by the late hula master Henry Moikeha Pa, In keeping wilh traditions, they gathered at the Adams-Cummins family plot to present the dance to her first a!ong with proper ceremonies befitt4ng her rank, As a descendant of Kaumakaokane, the troupes hula teacher, John Kaha'i Topolinski, recited her genealogy as well as several honorific chants. Kaumakaokane is said to have been the favorite of Qupen Kaahumahū ahd the sweetheart of Kamehameha I. The family plot was decorated with kapu posts and leis of ilima, maile, ginger, puakenikeni, and ferns, The closing of the service was the performance of the dance by the male dancers of Ka Pa Hula Hawaii using the gourd rattle covered with black and white feathers. It was an inspiring occasion to see young Haw r aiian keeping the memory of their ancestors alive thrjugh the art form of Ihe chant and dance.
"Uwe na keikl o Ailau" I makaukau no ka ho'okuku hula ma ka ho'olaule'a 0 ka la hanau o ka na*i aupuni, ua ho*omana*o na haumana oka Halau 4 o Ka Pa Hula Hawafi me ka 'oihana ho'omana'o no ke aliMwahine 'o Kaumakaokane ma ka pa ilLna o ka 'ohana Cummins am§ Adams 1 Nu'uanu. Halawai no lakou e ho'ike mua i ka hula I haku *ia e Henry Molkeha Pa ( kekahi kumu hula kaulana i hala aku nei.
lohn Kaha'i Topolmski, he pua ali'i q ke ali'iwahlne a ke kumu hula o ka Halau, i kolhouua ame ha'i mele inoa no Kaumakaokane'Ua 'olelo no ho'ihe puuahele 110 'o Kaumaka,okane ao ka ahumaau a he wahine ipo aloha a Kamehameha. Ua uluwehiwehi 'ia mehe mahiehie i ka pa iliua me ka pulo'ulo'u, na lei 'ilima, maile» awapuhi, puakeuikepi a nie pala'a. Mahope o ka hana 'oiiiaua» ua hula ho na haumana i kela hula uo ke ali'iwahiue uie ka 'i^i'uli, Ha'upu ka mana'o i ka 'ike i m 'opio e 110 na po'e kupuna ma ka hula ame jka mele, I 1