Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 6, 1 May 1980 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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; ADVERTISEMENT ! , .. ■\ , * * ' E ala na kupa! E ala na klniī £ a/a na kupa! E ala na kini! Awake ahd Rise, citizens! Awake people! Awake and Ris9, citizens! Awake people! Eaianapuae! E ala na pua e! Arise all you poung peopleL 1 4rise alhpou young people! I have many grandchildren and younger He mau ame keiki 'opiopio o'u a relatives who someday may benefit from the ma ka la auane'i e loa'a ka pono ia lakou mai na programs established by the Office of Hawaiian papahana o ke Ke'ena Aupuni 'o Hawaiian Affairs. Asan educatorandadministrator Ihave Affairs. A ua ao me he kumukula a mea worked to provide them and many other ho 4 oponopono i napo'e opio ika hanahuli 'ike % younger people the skills and the opportunities rjk no ka ho''omaikal iho ia lakou iho nei ame ka to improve themselves as well as to understand ho omaopopo i ka nohona o kakou. heritage of our people. My past experience as an executive secretary. trustee Ua hana no ho'i ma ka 'oihana ho'oponopono ame and committee member for various organizations has kuka'olelo ma na 'ahahui 'oko'a no ka hopena i ka given meaehaneetopracticemanagement.administrative hoionono A i ka'u a'o 'ana i na po'e 'opio.-ua 'ike me ka and negotiative skills to get things s done My work as a maopopo no ka pili i ko lakou Tini teacher has kept my life invo!yed with children so I have > Avo wau he mea ha 4 awi.'a'ole he'alopalopa. he mea eome to appreciate and understand their desires , X. Morrison, Tita Wynne hoohana. 'a'ole he meaki'eiwale no Anoßa k upili'oie me I consider myself a contribūtor to the community .. > na'aha kalaPainaa malia eho'olohe ina po'eapau loa me rather than a dependent; a doer than a casual observer As OFFICE 0F HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS ka ho'okae 'ole a e nuiuo pono me ke pi'oioke "oie a non-partisan I ean !isten to all persons in our community _. , R . / Tmcfooc He kanaono mau makahiki i hala ai ma ka.ho onoho without prejudice; to reason without being tied to _ DOdrci Ol l rusiees 'ana oka v aina ho v opulapula no ka holomua o kakou neL emotional committments Stdte reSident at large aka no ho'i he mea hewa me ka poho no ho'i ika hoiomua 60yearsagooui:conrmunitytvasgiventheopportunity pkakou Nokamea/a'okkakouelkeikeano,kekumu to improve the conditions of our people This was hailed 1 Substltute Teacher: Public Schools and at Kameha- amo ka ho P cn^ ° na papahana Alaila. eiahe manawa hou as a program of hope !ts failure today is founded m the m^a p r€pardt0 ry 1950-1962. Thammasat University, e ho'opono ika hewa o nuiuua no ka holomua a kakou laek of understanding of its intents. means and purpose Bangkok. Thailand 19b7-o9 ml Amakekohopaloka.hekukananokokakouekoho Today we have another ehanee to correct the mistakes of Ex«cutiv« Secretary: Kaiama Community Trust •na po\> kupono E ho'olale me ka paipa; ia oukou a pau o the past ,for the betterment of our people Under a 1957-1962. University of Hawaii Committee foi the n ° r * Ika %oUvro no koh o paloka. kahanaa ua Ke'ena representative election we are gtven the responsibdity to Pr eserv ation and Studv of Hawaiian Language. Art and hou nei ana P oV moho - * Ho'opa'a inoa no ke koho a e elect qualified people to do thīs wotk I urge you to Culture 1970 v * kohcfcma la 'eha o Novemaba participatc by questioning. fearfting. r«?gistovin3 and voting Q Recent Educatlon: BA in! lawaiwu Studics from tho Ama Ma la. o hofc kokou nu ke <ila iki ahe oIU eome Novcmb»;r 4th Universitv of Hawaii. Manoa' 1979 . hou no ka wa Ao kuhikuhi ka oukou koho 'ana ike On that day. oui v>mbavkon a iww and Tru#tee; Hawaii Foundation % History and thc ' ano oko kakou hcfe aku \*na Alaik, e nonoi aku wau ia narrow path into the future Vour vote will determine how Humanities 1980' i # oukounokaoukoumaukako*o. i>okuaameke koho ana we arc to proc«»cd I ask for youf support and for your vote Volunteer; Bomico Paua|u Bisiip Must-um. Bishop's mai Committee at Holy Cross J&ahuku. Oahu ; Member: Bernice Pauahi;BishopMuseum, Hawaiian „ ; Hlstoncal Ahahui OĪelo % i h