Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 6, 1 May 1980 — 1980 Merrie Monarch Hula Judges [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
1980 Merrie Monarch Hula Judges
Adeline Nani Maunupau Lee, Head Judge ( Con sultant Hawaiiana, Kan&iimauloa Hawaiiana Specialist, 25 years Department of Parks and Recreation, City and County of Honolulu. E!izabeth Kuuleimomi Aarona Kepelino, Kuihu Huia, Hula Halau 4 o Ma'iki. 30 years as a Performer and Part time Kumu Hula. Ruby Leiohelo Ahakuelo, Kuinu Hula, 40 years under Ruby Ahakuelo's Hula Studlo, retired. |ohn PiUanl Watkins, Kumu Hula» 35 years ]ohn Piilani Watkins Polynesian Dance Studio, Joseph Kamoha'! Kahaulelio, Kunm Hula, 35 years i«n Honolulu, Hilo and Kauai; now inHayward, Califomia. ' Georg6 Kanaiokeakua Holokai, Hawaiian In structor, Department'of Parks & Recr6ation t Clty & County ōf Honolulu, Kumu Hula» 15 years George. Hula Studio,
Judges, front row [L - R): Ruby Leiohela Ahahuelo and Adeline Nani Maumipau Lee. Back row fL-Rj: Joseph Kahauleiio, ĒIizabeth Kuuleimomi Kepelino and John Piilani Watkins.
(L-RJ: Mistress of Ceremony, Gladys Brandt, Head Judge Adeline Lee, Chairwoman, DottieThompson&Coordinator, George Naope.