Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 4, 1 Pepeluali 1980 — He Moolelo The Story of the Magical Fish [ARTICLE]
He Moolelo
The Story of the Magical Fish
(taken from Ka Mupepa Kuokoa)
I have been told a legend about two "hilu" fish whieh occurred here at Hauula, Oahu. There were two "fish-beings" who were considered to be magical. Kaululena was the name of the eldest and Maio was the younger one. Kaululena could change hisbodyinto three different forms: afish, a man and a shark. His younger brother, Maio, had two forms: a fish and a man. It was said that they both beached themselves near Kawaihoa and from there they separated; Maio went to Makapuu and turned to the north while Kaululena went to thē south. There was a chief who ruled over Hauula district named Makalii. He was like therest ofthe chiefs and helped his fisherman. It was at the shores of Hauula whēre Maio was netted by the fishermen of Makalii. The people shouted in excitement as this huge fish was brought to shore. Afterwords, the fish was cut inio chunks and distributed to all the people. Meanwhile, the bloōd of Maio had flowed down to the sea and it discolored the water to ā yellowish hue as the sky became dark red. Kaululena, who wasat Kaēnapoini, lookedat the red sky forming above and he knew that his younger brother was dead. He quickly went ashore and changed himself into his man form and departed for Hauula. There he found people cooking the fish meat and he was offered some only4-0 refuse it. "He grabbed the phunks and tossed it into the sea domg this at every house where the fish was being cooked. Later on, he began to gather up the chunks of meat until he reached ftie house of an old man chewing awa. The old man began a prayer that invoked the names of Kaululena and Maio. When Kaululena heard this prayer he knew thaf this man was their guardian. Kaululena asked the old man, u Do you know who those two gods are? Kaululena and Maio?" "I do not know who they are, but my work is considered to be very sacred. īt has been handed down from my ancestors to my parents. Why just this morning the fishermen of Makalii snared another fish. They never have seen such a fish before. When our people were through bringing it in they returned with chunks of the meat. I am the only One here who has not eaten or touched the meat of this fish. I am the one who must protect it as you have heard me say so in my prayer," replied the old man. It was said that the old man did not recognize Kaululena. So after the old man was through talking, Kaululena said to him, "Listen, listen cfarefully to what ī have to say. You must mark off your house with flags and gather the people who have been good to you soon. A terrible disaster will cover the land and all those w r ho ate of the meat will be distroyed. This w r iīl be done by the god you have cared for. A rising flood will covei; all of them and this land.'V Kaululena stood up and left the old man's house. He went towards the plaee where his brother's body was left. And from there he went to the uplands of Kaipapa*u valley. This is where there is a circular area wilhin the cliffs, abit deep and wide on the outer areas and narrow inside. The walls of the cliff are quite high on all sides. ''The name of this plaee is Maakua. īt is here where the fish, Kaululena slept, He asked for the rain tō fall straight down as he blocked off the entrance to dam thē water. The water began to rise as the rain fell down, and so Kaululena !eaped and plunged down into a small cave. This caused the water to be choppy and to f!ood the lands killlng all the people exeept the old man and hlshouse. This istheendofthislegend, Maio was restored back to !lfe and he is the fish whose "stain M is still seen here« Pipi holo kaao. o