Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 2, 1 Kekemapa 1979 — OLELO HOOLAHA [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


On Saturday, March 22» 1980, the O'ahu Oouneil of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs will hoid its annual Prince Kuhio Celebration commemorating the birth of Prince Jonah kuhio Kalaniana'ole, 11 will be held at Kalaniana'ole Beach Park in Nanakuli, O'ahu and will include a Parade, Hoolaule'a, Ho'ike'ike (exhibit), Kukini (footrace) and Canoe Race. The theme is "Kuhio, Ke pa*ani (Kuhio, the Sportsman) — A Salute To The Hawaiian Sportsman." Any individual or organization desiring to participale should vvrite to the Prince Kuhio Civic Club Publicity ehainnan, George P.O. Box 354, Waipahu, Oaliu, Hawaii 96797 for further informātion and applicatiOns.