Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 2, 1 Kekemapa 1979 — He Makana no Kalikimaka-Gifts for Christmas [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

He Makana no KalikimakaGifts for Christmas

made by native and loeal artisanB

1. Hawaiian Quilting Pillow Kit by EA. Price $11.00 includes backing pieces, muslin backing, and polyester batting. Designs: Breadfruit, Hibiscus, Pineapple, Mokihana, Anthurium and "Aloha." Available at Bishop Museum, Mission House, Liberty House and J.C. Penney's. 2. Fresh and dried Christmas Wreaths made with loeal and native_materials. Oahu: $15-30. Call 536-2528 Heather Fortner ' $35-55. Call 536-2443 Meheula Flowers, 1666 Lusitana St. Kauai: $25-40. Call 945-8080 Pomeroy Flowers, 2985 Kalena St., Lihue. Smaller $10 wreaths also available. Hawaii: $25-40. Call 885-4148 Marie McDoriald, - P.O. Box 1258 Kamuela 3. Aloha Shirts (S-M-L) $26.00. Muumuu $43.00, T shirts $8 (French cut - $10) from Nakeu Awai, 1613 Houghtailing #5. Honolulu ph. 841-1221. ? -

10. Ke Alāhou. monthly Hajvauan-English newsAper. Subscription rate: $18. Send order and eheek to Ke Aljhou, P.O. Box 25098, Honolulu 96825. 11. Seasons of Mahina, Hawaiian Fishing and Farming Moon Calendar 1980. Available at many stores locally including Walden's and Honolulu Book Shops, Sears and Liberty Houae, Honolulu Academy of Arts and the Bishop Muaeum.

4. Petite Hawaiian Petroglyph Jewelry. Sterling Silver: small-$5.00 large-$7.00. GoldPrated: small-$7 large-$9. Also" available in 14kt gold. Available at Jewels of the Pacific, 432-C Ena Rd., Honoiulu 96815 orat the Mission House Gift Shop. - t 5. Koa and Milo wood bowls. Small size as pictured $10 to $11. Some bowls with flaws available at reckiced prices. Blair Ltd., 404 Ward Ave. Honolulu ph. 536-4907. 6. Koa trays3o-35, Koa bookends(plain or with islands)sl2, Koa boxes solid or with leather from $13.95 to 27.00. Available from the Mission House Gift Shop. 7. Adze heads. Small - $29, large for canoes - $50. chisels from $5 - $29. Finishes. oils, sand paper and other quality wood working tools available. From 01sen Tool & Supply Co.. Ine. 1931 S, Beretania St., Honolūlu. ph. 946-1585. 8. Hawaiian Record Albums. from $5.98 to 12.98. New Releases: "Hoomau" Sons of Hawaii: "Christmas with Melveen" - Melveen Leed -Lehua; "Pele" - Roland Cazimero and "Waikiki, My Castle by the Sea" - Brothers Cazimero - Mountain Apple Company: "Hiipoi i ka Aina Aloha" - Edith Kanakaole - Hula Records. Available at most record album stores. 9. Books on Hawaii and the P«cific Area. Prices vary. Available at most book stores in Hawaiiana section.