Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 1, 1 November 1979 — Ka Papa Helu O Ka Mahina CALEDAR [ARTICLE]
Ka Papa Helu O Ka Mahina CALEDAR
NOVEMBER 15 • (Thursday — Ka Poaha) Hawaiian Historical Society November Membership Meeting, Program;, "Hawai , i...lBlo-1830 , 5," Speaker: Dr. C&roline Rālston from Mapquarie Univērsity, Sydhey, NSW, Australia. Location: Likeke Hall, Kawaiahao Church, 957 Punchbowl St., Honōlulu; āt 7:45 p,m. with parking available on the Church. grounds and on Kawaiahao St." NOVEMBER 20 • (Monday — Ka Poakahi) 50th Anniversary of Honolulu Hale, Honolulū'Hale Court- " yard. 11:30 a.m. Winners of song contest "Ke Ola a'o Honolulu Hale" (The Spirit of Honolulu Hale), entertainment and speeches. • General Lyon Arboretum Association Memhership Meeting at 7:30 p.m. follpwed by a and slide show by Dr* Patrick Vinton Kirch on 4, Native Taro Growing in Western Polynesia." Dr. Kirch is an archeologist at Bishop Museum and a Fall Visiting ■ Professor in Anthropology at the University of Hawaii Manoa Campus. Varieties of taro from the Arboretum's taro collection will also be shown. Various recipes ānd samples of lpeal cooking with taro will be shared. Location: Waikiki-Kapahulu Library (Honolulu) from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 24 & 25 • (Saturday and Sunday — Ka Poaono 'ame s . Ka Lupule) 6th Annual Mission Houses Christmas Fair, Mission Houses Grounds, lOa.m. -sp.m. Crafts, food, entertainment. NOVEMBER 26 • (Monday — Ka Poakahi) Hawaiian Plants Tour. Foster Garden, p m Focussing on eommon plants widely used by / 7 Hwaiians. Limited to 15. Call 538-7258 for more information. NOVEMBER 27 • (Tuesday — Poalua) First part of a leeture series entitled "The Protestant MissioninHawaii, 1820-1870: It's Social, Political and Eeonomie Impact. , VDr s Cedric,B... Cowing ōf the University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus will give a lecture on the "The Begin-. nings of the Mission in Hawaii." Location: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library, 560 Kawaiahao Street, Honolulu at 7:30 p.m. There is limited seating capacity and reser-
vations are adyised. Please phone Charlotte Abbey_at 531-0481. DECEMBER 9 • (Sunday — Ka Lapule) 7th Annual Honolulu Marathon 1979. Starts at 6:00 a.m. at Aloha Tower and ends at Kapiolani Park after looping-around Hawaii-Kai (Maunalua). The entire eourse is 26 miles 385 yards and is an AAU certified course. Sponsored by the Honolulu Marathon Association in conjun£tion with the City and County of Honolulu. DE€EMBER 13 • (Thursday — Ka Poaha) The Hawaiian Historical Society 2nd Annual Open House at the Hawaiian Historical' Library from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. There will be refreshm.ents arid the books: KA LEI by Marie McDonald and HAWAIIAN MU'SIC ANDMUSICIANS . edited by George S. Kanahele will be featured. The authors will be present to autograph copies and displays of leis and musical instruments wilī be shown. Location: 560 Kawaiahao Street, Honolulu. Ina he mea hē-olaha no ka ke ahahui au a makeniāke no ōe e hoopuka % hoolaha iloko e o keia kolamu, alaila e hoouna mai ikekahi mahina (a i ole ekolu pule) mamua o ka hoopuka ana aku o kei£ nupepa (ka la umikumamalima o kekahi mahina). A e hai mai no hoi, ina makemake oe e hoolaha i ka olelo makua a i ole ka olelo Pelekania. If your Club or has any announee'merits, please send them in at least one month (three weeks] before the publication date of the 15th of every month. Also, please indicate if you have the announcement in English and/jor I^waiian.